Podcast del mes anterior:


“I'm going to Madrid this weekend. Would you mind looking after my cat?”

To look after is a phrasal verb. It means cuidarse ó cuidar a alguien o algo.

Listen and repeat:
to look after
Would you mind looking after my cat?
……looking after my cat?
Would you mind…..?
Would you mind looking after my cat?
Can you look after Juanito this morning?
…..Juanito this morning?
Can you look after…..
Can you look after Juanito this morning?
Don’t worry, I’ll look after you.
…..I’ll look after you.
Don’t worry,…..
Don’t worry, I’ll look after you.

Los phrasal verbs, o multi-word verbs son verbos de dos o más palabras. Están formados por un verbo y pequeñas palabras (preposiciónes o partículas adverbiales). A veces el significado del verbo cambia a un significado completamente diferente como en el siguiente ejemplo:

Look significa mirar en español y after significa después. Pero el phrasal verb look after significa cuidarse.

Los phrasal verbs se usan mucho en el inglés informal, y algunos phrasal verbs tienen más de un significado.

Por ejemplo, el phrasal verb take off

1. The plane took off at 9 o’clock. - El avión despegó a las nueve.
2. I took off my clothes and went swimming. - Me quité la ropa y fui a nadar

Listen and repeat
The plane took off at 9 o’clock.
The plane took off at 9 o’clock.
What time do you take off?
What time do you take off?
When does your flight take off?
When does your flight take off?

I took off my clothes and went swimming
I took off my clothes and went swimming
Why don’t you take off your coat?
…… take off your coat?
Why don’t you….?
Why don’t you take off your coat?
Are you going to take off your sun glasses?
….. take off your sun glasses?
Are you going to…?
Are you going to take off your sun glasses?
Are you going to take off your sun glasses?


Con algunos phrasal verbs podemos insertar el objeto o complemento entre el verbo y la partícula, o ponerlo después. Pero cuando el objeto es un pronombre (como it, them, me, you, him, her, us) , siempre va entre el verbo y la partícula.

Escucha “I took my clothes off. (I took them off) o bien
I took off my clothes. ¡OJO! no se dice I took off them !

Listen and repeat
She took her clothes off!
She took off all her clothes!
She took them off!
I took my jacket off
I took off my jacket
I took it off

I put my clothes on
I put on my clothes
I put them on

Here are some more examples. Listen and repeat

turn on = encender
Could you turn on the TV?
Could you turn on the TV?
Could you turn the TV on?
Could you turn the TV on?
Could you turn it on?
Could you turn it on?

throw away = tirar a la basura
Please don’t throw away the food.
Please don’t throw away the food.
Please don’t throw the food away.
Please don’t throw the food away.
Please throw it away.
Please throw it away.

fill in = rellenar
We have to fill in these forms.
We have to fill in these forms.
We have to fill these forms in.
We have to fill these forms in.
We have to fill them in.
We have to fill them in.


El uso de los 'phrasal verbs' es más frecuente en el lenguaje común. En el lenguaje escrito, suelen emplearse verbos equivalentes cuando es posible.
Listen to this example:
Take the cover off and put the key in - Quita la cubierta o la tapa, e inserta la llave
Remove the cover and insert the key

Normalmente un phrasal verb se corresponde a un solo verbo en español.

Listen to some common phrasal verbs and say the corresponding Spanish verb when you hear the tone. Then repeat the verbs and the example sentences to practise pronunciation.

take after – parecerse – I take after my mother.
go away – alejarse – He’s gone away for the weekend.
get up – levantarse – I usually get up about 7.
sit down – sentarse – Please sit down.
go out – salir – Lets go out for a beer on Friday.
go back – regresar – When do you go back?
fill in – llenar – Could you fill in this form?
look after – cuidarse – I’m looking after my dad.
take off – despegar / quitar ropa – You can take off your shoes.
wake up - despertarse – We have to wake up early tomorrow.


Here are some more common phrasal verbs. Listen and say the corresponding Spanish verb when you hear the tone. Then listen to the examples and repeat the verbs and the sentences to practise pronunciation.

try on – probarse - I really liked the shirt I saw, so I tried it on. Repeat: try on - I tried it on.
write down – anotar - She gave me her phone number and I wrote it down. Repeat: write down - I wrote it down
take back – devolver - The shoes were too small and I didn’t like the colour, so I took them back to the shop. Repeat: take back - I took them back to the shop.
give up – dejar - Smoking was damaging my health, so I gave it up. Repeat: give up - I gave it up
cut down – talar - That tree’s too big, I think we should cut it down. Repeat: cut down - We should cut it down
wash up – fregar - I saw the dirty dishes in the kitchen, so I washed them up. Repeat: wash up - I washed them up
take up - empezar, dedicarse - I’ve always wanted to play golf. I think I’ll take it up next summer. Repeat: take up - I’ll take it up next summer.
put off – posponer - I couldn’t go to the meeting because I didn’t feel well, so I put it off until next week. Repeat: put off - I put it off until next week.
pay back - devolver el dinero - Thanks for lending me the money. At the end of the month I’ll pay you back. Repeat: pay back - I’ll pay you back


Ahora, vamos a repasar los phrasal verbs que has aprendido en este podcast.
Primero las escucharás los verbos en español, y tú tendrás que decir el phrasal verb que corresponde antes que las escuches correctamente en inglés.

Vamos a ver si recuerdas las siguientes palabras y expresiones.

1. cuidarse ó cuidar a alguien o algo – to look after
2. despegar o quitar la ropa – to take off
3. encender  – to turn on
4. tirar a la basura – to throw away
5. rellenar – to fill in
6. parecerse - to take after
7. alejarse – to go away
8. levantarse – to get up
9. sentarse – to sit down
10. salir – to go out
11. regresar - to go back
12. llenar – to fill in
13. cuidarse – to look after
14. despegar / quitar la ropa – to take off
15. despertarse – to wake up
16. probarse – to try on
17. anotar – to write down
18. devolver – to take back
19. dejar – to give up
20. talar – to cut down
21. fregar – to wash up
22. empezar, dedicarse – to take up
23. posponer – to put off
24. devolver el dinero – to pay back


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