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Man who Changed his Plea
The dignified-looking
usher, holding his long black rod in one hand
and dressed with the formality which his
position demanded, after a few seconds of silent
waiting leaned towards the Judge. The latter,
wearing all the paraphernalia of his almost
sacred office, had sunk a little forward in his
chair and was watching through half-closed eyes
the thickly packed crowd of men and women who
had risen to their feet in anticipation of his
departure. The echo of the prisoner's shout
which had rung through the court a few seconds
before seemed to be still vibrating in the air...
Mademoiselle was seated at the extreme
end of an ornate but crudely fashioned wooden
bench very near the corner of the seafront at
Cintra. Monsieur had been seated in thoughtful
silence a dozen feet away for some time. There
came a moment, however, when he rose slowly to
his feet and, with a little bow and his hat in
his hand, addressed her. It was the first time
that the silence had been broken between them.
Perhaps that was as well, for they were
"Mademoiselle," he began.
Mademoiselle half rose to her feet with an
indignant little flutter of her skirt and an
angry frown. "Mademoiselle will pardon me," he
continued, speaking English, but with an accent
which pronounced his southern nationality...


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