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What are these musical instruments?
¿Qué instrumentos musicales son éstos? - (Consulta las respuestas correctas al final de la página)

a) saxophone
b) trumpet

c) flute
  a) harp
b) violin

c) bass guitar
  a) trumpet
b) bagpipes

c) saxophone
  a) drums
b) piano

c) harmonica
  a) double bass
b) lead guitar

c) drums


Choose the correct word, a) b) or c). Check your answers at the bottom of the page.

1. I’ve always wanted to be able to the drums.
2. Have you heard The Rolling Stones latest ?
3. A fun way to study English is to listen to your favourite English songs and read the .
4. Franz Ferdinand is going on next month, but it’ll be very difficult to get tickets. I think all the venues will be
5. The famous London band ‘East Bound Platform’ recently signed a record with Sony which is millions of pounds.


True or False?. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Check your answers at the bottom of the page.

1. Bob Dylan’s real name is Robert Zimmermann.
2. Scott McKenzie is famous for singing about the city of Chicago.
3. The song “Like a Virgin” was recorded by Cindy Lauper.
4. Michael Jackson’s most famous album was “Thriller”.
5. The fifth member of the Beatles was called “George Best”.
6. Elvis Presley’s middle name was “Aaron”.
7. Sting (Gordon Sumner) got his nickname when he was young because he never bought his mates a drink in the pub.
8. Prince was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
9. The opera “Fidelio” was composed by Mozart.
10. Tom Jones has the same nationality as Catherine Zeta Jones, Shirley Bassey and Anthony Hopkins.

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Answers - Nivel Básico
1. b) trumpet
2. c) bass guitar
3. c) saxophone
4. b) piano
5. c) drums

Answers - Nivel Intermedio
1. c) play
2. b) hit
3. c) lyrics
4. a) tour / b) sold out
5. b) deal / a) worth

Answers - Nivel Avanzado
1. True
2. False (San Francisco)
3. False (Madonna)
4. True
5. False (Pete Best)
6. True
7. False (He used to wear a yellow and black shirt which reminded his friends of a bee or a wasp).
8. True
9. False (Ludwig van Beethoven)
10. True (Welsh)

La Mansión del Inglés C.B.. https://www.mansioningles.com