- Nuestros cursos de Iniciación, Básico e Intermedio han sido revisados y
próximamente se publicará en La Mansión del Inglés la versión actualizada
de los mismos.
· PRACTICA INGLÉS EN TU NIVEL. Nuevos ejercicios
cada mes. HEALTH
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1. Because my doctor is busy, I have to phone and make
before I see her.
2. The paper that the doctor gives me for medicine is called
3. A person who helps when a baby is being born is called a
4. A general practitioner (or G.P.) in English is another name for
5. If a doctor wants to take your pulse, he or she will probably feel
your .
Choose the best preposition to complete each sentence.
1. I have a pain my back.
2. He died a heart attack.
3. My mother was operated yesterday.
4. She was taken hospital in an ambulance.
5. What’s the matter you?
catch (to catch a cold)
cure (to cure an illness)
heal (the wound on your leg is healing nicely)
hurt (my stomach hurts)
injure (I injured my arm in a skiing accident)
prescribe (the doctor prescribed antibiotics)
treat (I’m being treated under the national health)
fit (I’ve been feeling very fit since I started running every morning)
ill (I always feel ill after 8 beers and a couple of whiskies)
sick (I feel sick / I have been sick twice this morning)
vomit (I have vomited twice this morning)
healthy (I’m normally very healthy)
unhealthy (You live a very unhealthy lifestyle)
painful (It’s painful when I cough)
unwell (my mother is very unwell at the moment)
well (I feel very well, thank you)
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