- Hemos habilitado un nuevo chat que cuenta con un diseño más
atractivo y nuevas posibilidades. Puedes acceder directamente al mismo
desde aquí o
desde la opción de "chat" de nuestra página . El chat cuenta con dos
niveles de conocimientos: "Basic" e "Intermediate". Para garantizar la
mejor cordialidad entre los usuarios se ha habilitado la figura del
"moderador". Si estás interesado en poder ser moderador, a través de la
propia página web de acceso al chat puedes encontrar la opción para
solicitar información al respecto.
- Recuerda que para facilitar el mejor aprovechamiento del Podcast que
incluimos habitualmente en nuestros cuadernos, las información y el
texto correspondiente a los mismos se publica en el cuaderno del mes
posterior. Este mes incluimos entre las respuestas la correspondiente al
pasado mes (julio).
· PRACTICA INGLÉS EN TU NIVEL. Nuevos ejercicios cada mes.
¿Qué son los siguientes modos de comunicación?. Elige la palabra correcta
para cada imagen. (Si estás empezando a aprender inglés nuestro
Pack de ahorro Básico puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado y no
tiene gastos de envío.)
Choose best word for each sentence. Check your answers at the bottom of the page. (Si
quieres mejorar en tu inglés nuestro
Pack de ahorro Avanzado puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado
y no tiene gastos de envío.)
1. "Marcar un número" in English means to
2. The phrasal verb which means to answer the phone is to
3. If you phone a big company and the receptionist connects you
to a particular phone or department they put you
4. If someone asks you to wait on the phone, they might say
‘please ’
5. When you’ve finished your phone conversation you
6. If the person you are trying to phone is speaking with someone else,
and the number you want is "ocupado", we say in English
it’s or .
7. When you return someone’s call, you phone or call them
8. Another way to say phone or call someone is give them a
This is the end of a telephone conversation between two work colleagues.
Put the lines of the conversation in the correct order. The first line
has been numbered for you.
(Si quieres mejorar en tu inglés nuestro
Pack de ahorro Avanzado puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado
y no tiene gastos de envío.)
So, Jackie. It was great talking to you.
Thanks a lot for calling.
Definitely, Paul. I think it’ll be towards the end of the
month. No, I haven’t. I just can’t seem
to find the time these days, what with work and the family, y’know.
Anyway, Jackie…. Cheers then, bye for now.
My pleasure. By the way, have you had the chance to go fishing
recently? That’s great, Jackie. Have a good
You too Paul. Take care. Yeah, sure. No problem. And you’ll
give me a ring when you know the date of the next meeting?
Right. I don’t want to keep you. So, you’ll send me those
figures by email Paul, right?
Oh what a pity! I know how much you love to get out into the
countryside to unwind. That’s true. Right Jackie, I
really must hang up. I’m late for an appointment.
El podcasting consiste en archivos de sonido (usualmente en formato mp3)
que pueden descargarse de Internet para escucharlos en el momento que se
quiera, generalmente en un reproductor portátil.
Puedes reproducir directamente o descargar el podcast de este mes
desde este enlace.
*(puedes encontrar
para practicar en varios niveles en nuestra web)
· Pronunciación de los números de teléfono:
40779 - Four oh double seven nine (British. English)
- Four
zero double seven nine (US. English)
· Useful Expressions on the Telephone
Identifying yourself
- Hi, it’s ……… speaking.
- Hello, This is ……..
- Good morning, my name’s ……..
Reason for phoning
- I’m ringing to let you know…..
- to ask if…..
- to find out if…..
- because I was wondering if…..
Asking for people
- Could you put me through to …………, please?
- I’d like to speak to ………
- Is ……… there, please?
Asking for things
Could you…..(+infinitive without to)
Ex. Could you ring me back later.
Could you tell me….
Would you mind………(+ing)
Ex. Would you mind sending me some information.
Giving your phone number
- My number is …………
- You can get me on …………..
Ending the conversation
- Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
- Thanks a lot then. See you.
- Thanks for phoning. All the best. Bye.
Telephone English
- If the phone rings in English, don't be afraid to answer it!
- The fear of talking on the phone in a second language will disappear if
you practise often.
- Speaking on the phone in a different language is especially difficult
because you cannot see the other person's eyes, mouth and body movements
(body language). It’s easier to speak face-to-face because you can see
the speaker’s mouth and expressions.
Telephone Tips
1. Speak slowly and clearly. Pronounce the words as clearly as
2. Make notes before you phone. Write down important words and any
questions you want to ask. Practise what you are going to say before you
make the call.
3. Make sure you understand the other speaker. Ask the person to
repeat if you don’t understand and to speak slowly. Don’t have music or
the TV on, and avoid other background noise distractions when possible.
4. Practise with a friend. Do you know someone who you can phone
who speaks English? A native English speaker would be ideal. Or maybe
phone an English speaking company and ask for information. Many
businesses have recorded messages. Phone and write down information,
then phone again and check.
... some more expressions ...
car phone - teléfono para coche
entry phone - portero automático / eléctrico
make phone calls - hacer llamadas telefónicas
phone call - llamada telefónica
phone card - tarjeta telefónica
phone number - número de teléfono
phone shop - tienda de artículos telefónicos
phone tapping - escucha telefónica / pinchazo telefónico
phone-in program (radio, TV) - programa con llamadas del público
to cut off - desconectar
collect / reversed charge call - una llamada a cobro revertido
phone book - guía telefónica
dial tone - tono de marcar
pay phone / public phone / phone booth - cabina de teléfono
answering machine - contestador automático
SMS Texts
Look at the following SMS messages. Do you know what they mean?
You can find the translations at the bottom of the page.
1. Hw r u?
2. Plz snd msg agn
3. Spk 2 u l8er
4. R u angry W me?
5. Tnx 4t info
6. will u w8 4 me?
7. RUOK?
8. Rng me B4 u go
9. W8 4 me 2nite
10. wan 2 c a moV?
11. W@ tym dz it *t?
12. U@ now?
- En Nuestra web encontrarás como
siempre nuestro
Curso de Inglés Multimedia Gratuito con varios niveles para que puedas
avanzar a tu ritmo así como otras secciones que te ayudarán a mantener y
mejorar tu inglés. También te ofrecemos
posibilidades para que tengas siempre contigo todo lo que necesites.
· EXCLUSIVO EN NUESTRO CUADERNO. Cada mes nuevo material.
Descarga las
Fábulas de Espopo (Aesop's Fables) en inglés y en formato PDF.
Aesop's Fables refers to a collection of fables credited to Aesop
(620–560 BC), a slave and story-teller who lived in Ancient Greece.
Aesop's Fables have become a blanket term for collections of brief
fables, usually involving anthropomorphic animals. His fables are some
of the most well known in the world. The fables remain a popular choice
for moral education of children today. Many stories included in Aesop's
Fables, such as The Fox and the Grapes (from which the idiom "sour
grapes" was derived), The Tortoise and the Hare, The North Wind and the
Sun and The Boy Who Cried Wolf, are well-known throughout the world.
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