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· PRACTICA INGLÉS EN TU NIVEL. Nuevos ejercicios cada mes. DEATH

Si necesitas reforzar tu inglés, recuerda que en MANSIONINGLES dispones de un completo Curso de Inglés Multimedia Gratuito con varios niveles. ¿Quieres conocer cual es tu nivel actual? Realiza nuestra prueba de nivel y saldrás de dudas en solo unos minutos.

Choose the correct word connected to death. / Elige la palabra correcta relacionada con la muerte.
Elige la palabra correcta para cada frase.

1. My grandfather is of cancer. The doctors say he has 2 months to live.
2. My grandmother is . She when I was 12 years old.
3. Her affected all the family.
4. When someone , people go to a ceremony which is called a funeral.
5. A person whose job it is to arrange a funeral is called .

  Consulta las soluciones

Choose the best word to complete the following sentences.


1. David was a very popular guy. When he died, over a thousand people
2. When my grandmother died, she
3. When her father died, Maria
4. As soon as Mr. James knew he was dying, he leaving all his money to charity. He a few weeks later.
5. I feel really sorry for Jenny. She only a few months after she got married. Her husband died suddenly in his sleep. Apparently he had a very weak heart.

  Consulta las soluciones

Match each of the following death idioms 1–5 with the best idea a–e.


1. Don’t go to that pub, it’s totally dead during the week.
2. Latin is a dead language.
3. The break-up of the Soviet Union signalled the death of communism.
4. I’m dying for a beer.
5. My ipod isn’t doing anything. It’s completely dead.

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Click on the sentence to listen and answer the questions.
Check your answers and the text at the bottom of the page.

  - Children can learn important ideas about dealing with money. <--- click to listen

  1 - A budget demands choices between which two things?
  2 - Why is it not a good idea to pay children for work they do at home?
  3 - What is a very good way for children to learn about compound interest?

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 *(puedes encontrar más listenings para practicar en varios niveles en nuestra web)


  die, died, dead, death

When a person, animal or plant dies they stop living. The other forms of die are dies, dying, died.

When someone dies as the result of a disease or injury, you can say that they die of the disease or that they die from it.

Do not confuse 'died' with 'dead'. Dead is usually used as an adjective. Someone who is dead is no longer living. You can use dead to talk about someone who has just died or about someone who died a long time ago.

You can refer to a group of people who have died as the dead.

Do not confuse 'dead' with 'death'. Death is the state of being dead. A death is the event of someone or something dying.

  More Vocabulary

death - nombre
  muerte, fallecimiento, defunción
       to put sb to death, dar muerte a alguien

to be bored to death, aburrirse como una ostra
to be scared to death, estar muerto,-a de miedo
to be sick to death of sthg/doing sthg, estar harto de algo/hacer algo
to be at death's door, estar a las puertas de la muerte

Compound Forms and expressions:

cheat death = burlar a la muerte
cot death = muerte en la cuna
angel of death = ángel de la muerte
death benefit = pensión por defunción
death blow = golpe mortal
death cell = celda del condenado a muerte (prisión)
death certificate = certificado de defunción
death chamber = cámara de gas
death duties = impuesto sobre la herencia
death list = lista de la muerte
death penalty = pena de muerte
death rattle = estertor
death ray = rayo mortal
death row (US) = pabellón de la muerte
death sentence = pena de muerte
death struggle = lucha contra la muerte
death tax = impuesto por defunción, impuesto de sucesión
death toll = número de víctimas mortales
death trap = inseguro, peligroso, trampa mortal, lugar/vehículo peligroso
death warrant = orden de ejecución, sentencia de muerte
die a natural = death morir de muerte natural
early death = muerte prematura
freeze to death = morir de frío
frozen to death = muerto por congelación, muerto de frío
have a death wish (Psychology) = tener una pulsión de muerte
in the face of death = ante la muerte
jaws of death = garras de la muerte
kiss of death = beso de la muerte
living death = muerte en vida
matter of life and death = asunto de vida y muerte
natural death = muerte natural
peaceful death = muerte tranquila
put to death = ajusticiar, matar
scared to death = muerto de miedo
shadow of death = sombra de la muerte
sudden death = muerte repentina
valley of the shadow of death = valle de la sombra de la muerte
violent death = muerte violenta


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Sitios recomendados:

Curso de español: https://www.mansionspanish.com - Toda la Prensa: https://www.todalaprensa.com
Diccionarios y Traductores: https://www.diccionariostraductores.com