· NOTICIAS Y NOVEDADES DE NUESTRA WEB (https://www.mansioningles.com)

 - Disponible nuevo producto GET AHEAD WITH PHRASAL VERBS. Se trata de un CD interactivo para el aprendizaje sistemático y divertido de los verbos con preposición (phrasal verbs) a través de dibujos y animaciones. Los ejercicios y el audio han sido desarrollados y grabados por un hablante nativo. Apto para niveles Intermedio (B1) y superior.
 - Visualiza un nuevo video para practicar tu inglés "en la cama".
 - Este mes incluimos en nuestro Cuaderno en el apartado de audio un Podcast para descargar que puedes llevar cualquier parte con tu reproductor portátil de mp3. Por supuesto puedes también escucharlo directamente desde tu PC.


Si necesitas reforzar tu inglés, recuerda que en MANSIONINGLES dispones de un completo Curso de Inglés Multimedia Gratuito con varios niveles. ¿Quieres conocer cual es tu nivel actual? Realiza nuestra prueba de nivel y saldrás de dudas en solo unos minutos.

¿Qué son los siguientes muebles en inglés?. Elige la palabra correcta para cada imagen.
Consulta las respuestas correctas al final de la página (Si estás empezando a aprender inglés nuestro Pack de ahorro Básico puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado y no tiene gastos de envío.)

a) rug
b) wardrobe
c) chair
  a) table
b) lamp
c) bed
  a) wardrobe
b) lamp
c) picture
  a) window
b) door
c) bed
  a) armchair
b) wardrobe
c) desk

  Consulta las soluciones

Choose the room in which you would normally find the following things.
(Si quieres mejorar en tu inglés nuestro Pack de ahorro Avanzado puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado y no tiene gastos de envío.)

1. a shower
  2. a pillow
  3. a chest of drawers
  4. an armchair
5. a toilet roll
  6. a mattress
  7. a desk
  8. a toolbox
9. a cushion
  10. a sink
  11. a tap
  12. a couch

  Consulta las soluciones

Choose the best answer to the following questions.
(Si quieres mejorar en tu inglés nuestro Pack de ahorro Avanzado puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado y no tiene gastos de envío.)

1. What do you open a bottle of wine with?

a) a screwdriver
b) pliers
c) a corkscrew
d) a hammer
  2. What do you use to weigh food?

a) pots
b) scales
c) a whisk
d) plugs
3. Where would you find the chimney?

a) on the roof
b) in the garage
c) on the wall
d) in the toilet
  4. Which of the following would you not usually find in the kitchen?

a) grater
b) tin opener
c) spanner
d) kettle
5. What would you normally beat eggs or cream with?

a) a whisk
b) a dimmer switch
c) a spirit level
d) a knob

  Consulta las soluciones


El podcasting consiste en archivos de sonido (usualmente en formato mp3) que pueden descargarse de Internet para escucharlos en el momento que se quiera, generalmente en un reproductor portátil.
Puedes reproducir o descargar el podcast directamente desde aquí.

In the podcast, you listen to a man talking about his bed. Try to answer the following questions.

1.. What 3 things does the man do in bed?
2.. Which country does the man live in?
3.. What does the man say about his grandmother?

  Consulta las soluciones

 *(puedes encontrar listenings para practicar en varios niveles en nuestra web)


 furniture (nombre incontable) - muebles
a piece of furniture - un mueble
antique furniture - muebles antiguos

 Compound Forms:
door furniture - accesorios para puertas
furniture designer - diseñador de mobiliario
furniture designer - diseñador de muebles
furniture maker - fabricante de muebles
furniture mover - compañía de mudanzas
furniture polish - pulimento para muebles
furniture store - almacén de muebles
furniture van - camión de mudanzas
kit furniture - muebles en kit
office furniture - muebles de oficina
garden/patio furniture - muebles para el jardín/patio
reproduction furniture - mobiliario antiguo de imitación
set of furniture - mobiliario
unit furniture - muebles combinados

DIY Do-It-Yourself (bricolaje)

DIY is important to the British. You will hear people talking about it much of the time in the office, at the coffee morning, or in the pub.

"An Englishman's Home is his Castle", the saying goes. Other Europeans prefer to rent a place to live, but the English buy theirs. Then they make it into their castle, that reflects British character and tastes. Every year Brits spend £170 each on DIY products, and there are now 1100 DIY stores compared to 175 in 1980.

For the British, doing DIY is a substitute for other things. Suppose an office worker gets a surprise bonus. The Belgian would spend it on restaurant meals; the British would still eat frozen pizza and chips, but install some new kitchen units. The German would buy some classical music CDs; the British would keep playing their pop cassettes, but put up a lovely new shelf to put them on. The Italian would buy a smart new suit; the British would wear the same old clothes, but construct a new wardrobe to keep them in.

Holiday time is similar. The Frenchman spends his weekend with his mistress. The British also spend the weekend in the bedroom – but, sadly, only decorating it.

DIY - Do It Yourself - describes this process of home improvement. It can mean anything from changing a light bulb to installing a swimming pool, but the key thing is that you do it alone. Friends or family lend a hand, but you can have no professional help.

Holidays doing DIY
Around one-fifth of a Brits holiday time is spent at home doing things around the house. They would spend a week's holiday on fitting a new garden gate, standing out in the rain. You can point out jokingly that for the £200 they spent on the gate, they could have gone to Spain. But be sympathetic, as if they had no choice; as if fitting the gate was a duty for Queen and Country.

Sunday morning at the DIY store
If a Brit tells you they took the family to Texas for the weekend, this is not an exciting holiday to the US. Texas is one of the big DIY chain stores, like B&Q and Homebase (Leyroy Merlin in Spain and France). Every Sunday morning you see the car parks full. Each car is full of lengths of wood, rolls of wallpaper, and boxes of new tools. You see families wandering round the store for hours. Perhaps they can't decide which shade of cream to paint the bedroom wall. Or perhaps they just can't get back into the car.

DIY widows
These are wives who have no time with their husband because he is always doing something around the house. They like to complain about their partner's incompetence. For example, he tried to fix a leaking tap, but caused a flood, and had to call out the plumber anyway. (Plumbers are very expensive on emergency call-outs.) Again, be sympathetic. To reassure them, you can quote the example of David Page, 48, of Southampton. One day in 1996 he knocked down his house's front porch. That night, as the family slept, the entire house collapsed around them!

Flat-pack furniture
Every adult in Britain has, at some time, tried to put together a flat-pack. (Usually, a student desk.) They are a national joke. It seems such a bargain in the shop, but when you try to make it there are two screws missing, you don't have the right size screwdriver, and the instructions are in Polish. The assembled item has the strength of a cardboard box, unable to hold more than two or three books. When you move it, it collapses instantly back to its original flat state. Then you find the two missing screws.

A philosophical question
If a builder works on his own house, is this DIY, or is it professional? In fact the question is academic. Go to any builder's house and you'll see it's full of unfinished jobs!

*(puedes encontrar lecturas para practicar en nuestra web)


- En Nuestra web encontrarás como siempre nuestro Curso de Inglés Multimedia Gratuito con varios niveles para que puedas avanzar a tu ritmo así como otras secciones que te ayudarán a mantener y mejorar tu inglés. También te ofrecemos otras posibilidades para que tengas siempre contigo todo lo que necesites.

· EXCLUSIVO EN NUESTRO CUADERNO. Cada mes nuevo material.

 Descarga un libro completo en inglés, "Around the world in 80 days" ("La vuelta al mundo en 80 días" de Julio Verne.)

The story starts in London October 2, 1872. Phileas Fogg is a wealthy, solitary, unmarried gentleman with regular habits. The source of his wealth is unknown and he lives modestly. He fires his former valet, James Forster, for bringing him shaving water two degrees too cold. He hires as a replacement Passepartout, a Frenchman of around 30 years of age.

Later that day in the Reform Club, he gets involved in an argument over an article in The Daily Telegraph, stating that with the opening of a new railway section in India, it is now possible to travel around the world in 80 days.

La Mansión del Inglés C.B. https://www.mansioningles.com

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Sitios recomendados:

Curso de español: https://www.mansionspanish.com - Toda la Prensa: https://www.todalaprensa.com
Diccionarios y Traductores: https://www.diccionariostraductores.com