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Cuaderno de Ingles. Ejercicios de Ingles


· NOTICIAS Y NOVEDADES DE NUESTRA WEB (http://www.mansioningles.com)

- En estos difíciles tiempos que corren cada vez necesitamos estar mejor preparados y por ello en este nuevo año nuestro cuaderno de enero se dedica al tema del Empleo, tan fundamental en nuestra vida laboral y profesional. Incluimos como siempre contenido práctico para el aprendizaje del inglés pero también material útil para acceder a un puesto de trabajo (como recomendaciones en inglés para realizar una entrevista de trabajo) o para el desempeño de nuestra actividad laboral (como la redacción de cartas comerciales en inglés en nuestro apartado de material exclusivo para descargar de nuestro Cuaderno).

- Aprende todo lo necesario para desenvolverte en inglés en tu trabajo y mejorar en tu profesión.  Nuestro Curso de Inglés Comercial y de Negocios te permite conocer el inglés necesario para defenderte en entrevistas de trabajo, reuniones de negocios, atención telefónica,  redacción de e-mails y cartas comerciales en inglés, realizar presentaciones, dominar el vocabulario y los conceptos comerciales, etc.

- Nuestra sección de ejercicios ha incorporado como nuevo material ejercicios gramaticales prácticos y ejercicios de nivel de First Certificate.
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 · Recuerda que al final de cada cuaderno dispones de indicaciones para gestionar tu Suscripción, (dar de baja tu suscripción, cambiar tu cuenta, etc.) así como consultar cuadernos atrasados.

· PRACTICA INGLÉS EN TU NIVEL. Nuevos ejercicios cada mes. EMPLOYMENT

Si necesitas aprender o reforzar tu inglés, recuerda que en MANSIONINGLES dispones de un completo Curso de Inglés Multimedia Gratuito con varios niveles. ¿Quieres conocer cual es tu nivel actual? Realiza nuestra prueba de nivel y saldrás de dudas en solo unos minutos.

What are these jobs? / ¿Qué son los siguientes empleos?.
(Si estás empezando a aprender inglés nuestro Pack de ahorro Básico puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado y no tiene gastos de envío.)

1   2   3   4   5
a) a secretary
b) a nurse
c) a mechanic
  a) a lawyer
b) a carpenter
c) a butcher
  a) a baker
b) a hairdresser
c) a businessman
  a) a writer
b) a nurse
c) a surgeon
  a) a postman
b) a politician
c) a fisherman

  Consulta las soluciones

Choose the best word or expression for each sentence.
(Si quieres mejorar en tu inglés nuestro Pack de ahorro Avanzado puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado y no tiene gastos de envío.)

1. Because of the economic crisis, 230 employees at the car factory have been .
2. Sandra works for a computer software company and she’s on a very high .
3. Juanito was frequently late for work and received a lot of complaints from company clients. Eventually he was .
4. The only way to good money in my profession is to work .
5. I didn’t do well at school, so I haven’t got very good

  Consulta las soluciones

Choose the best phrase to complete each sentence. 
(Si quieres mejorar en tu inglés nuestro Pack de ahorro Avanzado puede ayudarte. Lleva un regalo incorporado y no tiene gastos de envío.)

1. She’s a very flexible secretary. She’ll adapt
a) her initiative
b) other people too much
c) to any situation
d) her mind

2. I have to keep telling her what to do. She’s doesn’t ever think
a) on her head
b) the initiative
c) her mind
d) for herself

3. You can always count on her for an honest opinion. She’s not afraid to speak
a) to herself
b) her mind
c) until the cows come home
d) the head off a donkey

4. She’s constantly getting things wrong and making a mess of things. She doesn’t seem to have
a) much common sense
b) much sense of humour
c) much sense of rhythm
d) much sense of duty

5. It’s a shame she’s not a bit more independent. She tends to rely
a) on top of the new accountant too much
b) in most of her managers
c) for her workmates all the time
d) on other people too much

  Consulta las soluciones

Some more vocabulary.
Choose the best word or expression for each sentence.

1. Pepito’s very . He’s never late for meetings.
2. Samantha isn’t a very secretary. She takes a day off sick nearly every week.
3. Danny is very . He’s often still working at his desk after everyone else has gone home.
4. Sandra’s always her work and her desk is always tidy.
5. He hasn’t got much . He worries about what other people think of him.
6. My job’s extremely , It requires a lot of concentration, determination and discipline.
7. My job’s so boring and . I sit there all day doing the same old thing.
8. I like my job but I have to work very .


Job is a countable noun Ej. I’ve got a good job developing computer software.
Work is a verb and an uncountable noun. Ej. I’ve got a lot of work to do this week.
Career can be a false friend for Spanish speakers. You begin your career after University or college.
1. I’m thinking of a career in law if I get my degree.
2. When I was forty I changed my career and became a journalist.

All professions have an indefinite article (a or an). For example: a nurse, a plumber, an electrician, an accountant.

  Consulta las soluciones

*(Amplia tu vocabulario en nuestra sección dedicada).


El podcasting consiste en archivos de sonido (usualmente en formato mp3) que pueden descargarse de Internet para escucharlos en el momento que se quiera, generalmente en un reproductor portátil.
Puedes reproducir directamente o descargar el podcast de este mes desde este enlace. (Botón derecho del ratón sobre el enlace y "Guardar" para salvar el fichero de sonido a tu PC).
Para facilitar el mejor aprovechamiento del material, el texto y la información correspondiente al Podcast del mes actual se publicará en el cuaderno del mes próximo.

  Puedes consultar la trascripción al podcast del mes anterior.

 *(puedes encontrar listenings para practicar en varios niveles en nuestra web)


- Employment is a formal word with a similar meaning to work. Like work it is an uncountable noun.

  Will you accept employment outside New York?

- Work. People who work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do. You can use 'as' with work to say what a person's job is. Work is also used to talk about the place where someone works.

  I work for American Airlines and I'm a pilot. / She works as an engineer in London

- Job . A person's job is a particular set of duties which they are paid to do. A job is a particular task. Job is a countable noun.

- Position, post. In formal English, position and post are used instead of 'job'. When a job is advertised, it is often described as a position or post, and a person applying for a job usually uses one of these words.

- Occupation. Your occupation is the type of job that you have. Occupation is often used on official forms. If asked for your occupation you can also say 'student', 'unemployed', 'retired', etc.

- Profession and trade are both used to refer to types of job which requires special training.

- Business is used to refer to work that involves making, buying or selling things.

- Task is an activity or piece of work which you have to do, usually as part of a larger project.

Interview Tips

An interview is a two-way process. The interviewer will want to obtain information about your skills, qualifications, work experience, achievements and personal aspirations. Based upon that information he/she will then make a judgement about your suitability for the role. However it also gives you the opportunity to find out about the organisation, the role, the benefits and future opportunities.

Think carefully about the questions that you may be asked by the interviewer AND prepare some questions of your own ready in advance.

Research pays dividends
• Obtain as much advance information as possible about the company and the job. Make sure you look at the company's Web site to find out about the products and services they offer. Other good sources of information include trade directories and the company’s annual report.

• Make sure that you are fully briefed about the job, the structure, the duties and responsibilities, the standards expected and the benefits.
Think carefully about your own strengths and how they match the requirements of the job.
• Ensure that you have full details of company address and travel directions, also the name and position of the person who will be conducting the interview.

Getting there on time
• Allow plenty of time for travelling and make sure you arrive on time. If using public transport, check train and bus times beforehand. Try and arrive 10-15 minutes early as this will give you the chance to collect your thoughts and get a “feel” for the company. Reception areas give you a valuable insight into a company – the type of people working there, the style of the company – company literature is often available for you to look at whilst waiting.

First Impressions Count
Appearance is very important. First impressions do count so do please invest time in your personal presentation. Asmart business suit, well-groomed appearance and warm, friendly smile will create that all-important good first impression.

The Interview
There is no set structure for an interview and styles vary widely between companies and individual interviewers. Make sure you know whether there is any test involved. As a general rule allow up to an hour for your interview.

Questions that you may be asked
Here are some typical questions that you may be asked at interview. Make sure that you have answers prepared!
- Tell me about yourself
- Why do you think that you could do this job?
- Why are you interested in this position?
- Give me a summary of your career history to date
- What were you main duties in your last job?
- What exactly can you offer this company?
- What are your strengths?
- Weaknesses?
- Which parts of your job do you most enjoy?. Least enjoy?
- In your career to date, what is your most memorable achievement?
- What other jobs are you applying for?
- Why did you leave your last 2 jobs?
- How well do you work to deadlines?
- Give me examples of situations where you have had to cope with pressure at work
- What would be your ideal role?
- Where would you like to be in 5 years time?
- Why do you want to leave your current employer?
- To what extent have you achieved the goals that were set for you?
- Have you had a performance appraisal recently? What was the outcome?

A few general tips
Try to enjoy the interview; remain enthusiastic and positive at all times
Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer
Answer questions fully, clearly and concisely – avoid “waffling”
If you are unsure what a particular question means, seek clarification from the Interviewer.

After the Interview
Be patient. You might hear about the job right away. More likely, the company will take some time to interview candidates and then review them.
A job interview that does not result in a job need not be a failure. You can learn from the experience, improving your presentation and concentration for the next time.

El verbo ganar

En ingles hay diferentes verbos para expresar el sentido de "ganar", y pueden confundirse con facilidad.

To win (money, a competition, a prize, an award, the lottery, a game, a match)
To earn (money, a salary, respect, a living)
To deserve (a break from work, a nice holiday, a good rest)
To save (time)
To beat (another team, a person)

A Letter of Application

Read the following letter of application and Choose the best word or phrase. Check your answers at the bottom of the page.

Dear Mrs. Nesquik,

I would like to 1. the job of clerical assistant as advertised on the ‘JOBS R US’ internet web site.

I like working with children very much and I would enjoy the 2. of organizing activities for them on one of your language courses. 3. , I have just finished college and in October I will be starting a degree course at Manchester University. I am therefore very keen to improve my language 4. in the UK before I go to university.

My interests include swimming, cycling and tennis. I 5. the saxophone in a local band in Madrid and I also speak some French and German. For the past five years I 6. organize activities for children in my area, including three winter ski 7. to the Pyrenees.

I feel I have the necessary patience and energy to make a positive and enthusiastic contribution to your camps and I hope you will 8. my application favourably.

9. for interview at any time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours 10. ,

M.J. Ramos Santiago

  Consulta las soluciones

 *(Consulta nuestra completa gramática inglesa práctica para ampliar tus conceptos del lenguaje).


Match the following jobs with their descriptions. Check your answers at the bottom of the page.

1. A conductor
2. An editor
3. A social worker
4. An artist
5. A caretaker
6. A referee
7. A tax inspector
8. A private investigator
9. A vet
10. A plumber
11. A dustman
12. A bouncer
13. A surgeon
14. A librarian
15. An undertaker
16. A chef
17. A miner
18. A wrestler
19. A nurse
20. A debt collector
21. A bookmaker
22. A life guard
23. A traffic warden
24. A stockbroker

  Consulta las soluciones


- En Nuestra web encontrarás como siempre nuestro Curso de Inglés Multimedia Gratuito con varios niveles para que puedas avanzar a tu ritmo así como otras secciones que te ayudarán a mantener y mejorar tu inglés. También te ofrecemos para facilitar tu aprendizaje más posibilidades para que tengas siempre contigo todo lo que necesites.

Más información
*Curso Multimedia
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*Curso de Inglés
en Audio
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*Curso First Certificate
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*Curso Inglés de Negocios
Todo el material de La Mansión del Inglés, incluidos los Cursos Multimedia, Gramática, ejercicios, lecturas, etc. con material adicional, y derecho a consultas a un profesor y Diploma. El curso multimedia más completo al mejor precio.   En 6 CDs te permite aprovechar sus desplazamientos para aprender inglés en tu auto, en tu salón o en cualquier otro lugar con tu mp3/mp4. Todas las indicaciones están en español y se traducen todos los nuevos términos que van apareciendo en inglés con indicaciones de pronunciación y tests de evolución. Un profesor a tu lado que te acompañará siempre.   Curso de Preparación para el examen de Cambridge FIRST CERTIFICATE. 1 CD con un amplio conjunto de material, diálogos, ejercicios, información, consejos y recomendaciones para la realización del examen con las mayores garantías para la superación de la prueba. Con la titulación en inglés de la Universidad de Cambridge tu curriculum será impecable.   Un completo y moderno Curso multimedia de Inglés Comercial en el que con un enfoque práctico se estudian los términos y situaciones más diversos relacionados con el mundo de la empresa y los negocios. Mejora laboralmente dominando el inglés Comercial y empresarial.  
Más información
*Inglés Práctico
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*50 Listenings
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*200 e-Books
CD de audio con los diálogos, las frases y las situaciones más habituales para desenvolverse en un país de habla inglesa. Para utilizar en tu auto o cadena musical además de tu PC. Defiéndete en inglés desde el primer día.   50 listenings con acento americano de nivel avanzado. Más de tres horas de audición con ejercicios de comprensión, las respuestas y la trascripción de los textos. Perfecciona tu comprensión en inglés.   200 e-books de la mejor literatura en inglés. Perfecciona tu inglés a través de la lectura, con herramientas para sacar el máximo provecho del material. Incrementa tu vocabulario y mejora tu expresión en inglés con los principales autores literarios.      
También disponibles en un  Pack de ahorro Básico Pack de ahorro Avanzado o en un Pack Completo con importantes descuentos.
... más información...

· EXCLUSIVO EN NUESTRO CUADERNO. Cada mes nuevo material.

 Descarga Business Correspondence, en formato PDF que podrás también imprimir para leer cómodamente.

How to write the business letter: 24 chapters on preparing to write the letter and finding the proper viewpoint; how to open the letter, present the proposition convincingly, make an effective close; how to acquire a forceful style and inject originality; how to adapt selling appeal to different prospects and get orders by letter

© La Mansión del Inglés C.B. http://www.mansioningles.com

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Sitios recomendados:

Curso de español: http://www.mansionspanish.com - Toda la Prensa: http://www.todalaprensa.com
Diccionarios y Traductores: http://www.diccionariostraductores.com - Música Gratis online http://www.musicagratisonline.com
Foro de inglés: http://www.facebook.com/mansioningles  - Chat en inglés: http://www.mansioningles.com/chat0.htm 

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