1. I to talk to you about the project you're working on.
2. The bank is trying to sell 20% of its high-street
3. We on the agreement last week.
4. If they had contacted me sooner, I could have a meeting.
5. I the sales figures were so bad this quarter.
6. We're currently the renewal of the contract.
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descargar el podcast.
Utiliza el botón derecho del ratón sobre el icono y "Guardar el enlace" para
salvar el fichero de sonido a tu equipo.
Traduce las siguientes frases en INGLÉS al ESPAÑOL.
1. That blouse will look better if you tuck it in
your trousers.
2. The company will benefit from the growth in sales.
3. The bridge must bear the weight of the cars and trucks.
4. Bees are attracted to sugary drinks.
5. The lady of the house rang a bell to summon her servant.
1. Es un bonito día para ir a caminar y además,
necesito el ejercicio.
2. Alguien puso un tablón sobre el barro para que la gente pudiera pasar.
3. Nunca creo en el pronóstico del tiempo de la televisión.
4. Jugamos a baloncesto en el gimnasio los miércoles por la noche.
5. Los días lluviosos me hacen sentir triste.
Escucha el dictado y escribe el texto. Sigue las instrucciones.
1. Listen to the text read at normal speed. (Primero escucha el dictado a una
velocidad normal)
2. DICTATION – Listen and write. Use the pause button on your media player if
you need to.
(Escucha y escribe lo que oyes. Utiliza la pausa en tu reproductor si lo
3. Listen to the text again and check your dictation.
(Escucha el texto de Nuevo y comprueba lo escrito)
Elige la opción correcta para completar las siguientes frases.
1. If you want to see the true
of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
2. The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and must
be treated with great caution.
3. There are some things you can't share without liking each other.
4. Humans have a knack for precisely the things that are worst for them.
5. If you're for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a
very long time.
Before you read the text, read the following comprehension questions.
1. Why was Huck very happy to join Tom on his
search for hidden treasure?
2. According to Tom, who hides the burried treasure?
3. Why does Tom think the people who bury treasure don’t go back later to get it?
4. How much does Tom say that diamonds are worth?
5. Where are Tom and Huck going to look for the treasure first?
Now read the text and answer the questions.
There comes a time in every boy's life when he
has a strong desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.
This desire suddenly came to Tom one day. He went out to find Joe
Harper, but had no success.
Next, he looked for Ben Rogers, but he had gone fishing.
He soon found, by accident, Huck Finn the Red-Handed. Huck was the right boy to
talk to about this. Tom took him to a private place and presented the situation
to him in confidence.
Huck was enthusiastic about the idea. He was always willing to join any project
that offered entertainment but needed no money. Huck had a lot of time on his
hands, but no finances.
"Where shall we dig?" said Huck.
"Oh, anywhere."
"Why, is the treasure hidden all around?"
"No, it isn’t. It's hidden in very special places, Huck. Sometimes on islands,
sometimes in old wooden boxes under an old dead tree, just where the shadow
falls at midnight. It’s often hidden under the floor in haunted houses."
"Who hides it?"
"Robbers, of course. Who do you think, Sunday school teachers?”
"I don't know. If it was mine, I wouldn't hide it. I'd spend it and have a good
"So would I. But robbers don't do that. They always hide it and leave it there."
"Don't they look for it anymore?"
"No, they think they will look for it, but they usually forget the clues, or
they die.
Anyway, it lays there a long time and gets old. Eventually, somebody finds an
old yellow piece paper that explains how to find the clues. A paper that has to
be de-coded for over about a week because it's mostly signs and hieroglyphics."
"Hieroglyphics. Pictures and things, you know, that don't seem to mean anything."
"Have you got one of them yellow pieces of papers, Tom?"
"Well then, how you going to find the clues?"
"I don't want any clues. They always bury it under a haunted house or on an
island, or under an old dead tree. Well, we've tried Jackson's Island a little,
and we can try it again sometime. And there's the old haunted house up the hill,
and there's lots of old dead trees. Loads of them."
"Is it under all of them?"
"Of course not!"
"Then how you going to know which one to look at?"
"Look at all of them!"
"Tom, it'll take all summer."
"Well, so what? Suppose you find a brass pot with a hundred dollars in it, or an
old box full of diamonds. How would you feel?"
Huck's eyes shone.
"That's fine. Good enough for me. Just give me the hundred dollars and I don't
want any diamonds."
"All right. But I bet you aren’t going to throw away any diamonds. Some of them
are worth twenty dollars each.
Most of them are only worth a dollar or less."
"No! Really?"
"Of course! Everyone knows that. Haven’t you ever seen one, Huck?"
"No, I don’t remember seeing any diamonds."
"Oh, kings have loads of them."
"Well, I don' know any kings, Tom."
"I don’t suppose you do. But if you went to Europe, you'd see loads of them
hopping around."
"Do they hop?"
"Hop? Of course they don’t hop!"
"Well, what did you say they did, for?"
"C’mon! I only meant you'd see them. Not hopping, of course. What would they
want to hop for? No, I mean you'd just see them all over the place. You know, in
a kind of a general way. Like that old humpbacked King Richard."
"Richard? What's his other name?"
"He didn't have any other name. Kings only have one name."
"Well, if that’s what they want, Tom, all right. But I don't want to be a king
and have only just one name. Anyway, where you going to dig first?"
"Well, I don't know. Suppose we try that old dead tree on the other side of the
"I agree."
So, they got some tools and a shovel, and set out on their five-kilometre trek.
... to be continued!
* The text has been adapted from the Adventures
of Tom Sawyer
by Mark Twain
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