1. Dealing with government bureaucracy in Spain
can involve a lot of .
2. Hopefully, by the time I'm 55, .
3. Our business has been really since we started a YouTube channel.
4. If they hadn't done such a bad job last year, we
with another company this time.
5. I those changes last month.
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Utiliza el botón derecho del ratón sobre el icono y "Guardar el enlace" para
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Traduce las siguientes frases en INGLÉS al ESPAÑOL.
1. We live in Spain, but we would like to travel
to other countries someday.
2. She loves reading books, especially novels and biographies.
3. He is studying English because he wants to work abroad.
4. They have a dog and a cat as pets.
5. We are going to the cinema tonight to watch a comedy.
1. Ella es muy buena en matemáticas y ciencias.
2. A ella le gusta cocinar y hornear pasteles deliciosos.
3. Él trabaja como profesor y quiere a sus alumnos.
4. Ellos viven en un pueblo pequeño y disfrutan de la naturaleza.
5. Nosotros estudiamos mucho y esperamos aprobar el examen.
Escucha el dictado y escribe el texto. Sigue las instrucciones.
1. Listen to the text read at normal speed. (Primero escucha el dictado a una
velocidad normal)
2. DICTATION – Listen and write. Use the pause button on your media player if
you need to.
(Escucha y escribe lo que oyes. Utiliza la pausa en tu reproductor si lo
3. Listen to the text again and check your dictation.
(Escucha el texto de Nuevo y comprueba lo escrito)
Elige la opción correcta para completar las siguientes frases.
1. Maybe this world is
planet's hell.
2. There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of
, and that's your own self.
3. Experience is not what happens to you; it's with what happens to you.
4. There are things known and there are things unknown, and in
are the doors of perception.
5. Experience teaches only the .
Before you read the text, read the following comprehension questions.
1. What did the Welshman say that made Huck feel
2. Why did Huck run away after the guns went off?
3. What did the Welshman and his sons do after they shot at the bad guys?
4. How did the Welshman know that they didn’t hit the bad guys?
5. Who were the bad guys that Huck recognized?
Now read the text and answer the questions.
the first sign of light appeared on Sunday morning, Huck came feeling his way up
the hill and knocked softly at the old Welshman’s door. The people inside were
asleep, but it was a sleep that was ready to wake up, because of the exciting
thing of the night. A voice came from a window:
“Who’s there!”
Huck’s frightened voice answered in a low voice:
“Please let me in! It’s only Huck Finn!”
“It’s a name that can open this door night or day, boy!–and welcome!”
These were new words to the homeless boy’s ears, and the nicest he had ever
heard. He could not remember that the last word had ever been used for him
before. The door was quickly opened, and he went in. Huck was given a place to
sit and the old man and his pair of tall sons got dressed fast.
“Now, my boy, I hope you’re very hungry, because breakfast will be ready as soon
as the sun’s up, and we’ll have a very hot one, too-- don’t worry about that! I
and the boys hoped you’d come and stay here last night.”
“I was very scared,” said Huck, “and I ran. I left when the guns went off, and I
didn’t stop for three miles. I’ve come now because I wanted to know about it,
you know; and I come before light because I didn’t want to meet those bad guys,
even if they were dead.”
“Well, poor boy, you do look as if you’d had a hard night of it–but there’s a
bed here for you when you’ve had your breakfast. No, they’re not dead, boy–we
wish they were. You see we knew right where to find them, by your description;
so we walked quietly on tiptoe till we got close to them–dark as a basement that
red path was–and just then I felt I was going to sneeze. It was the worst kind
of luck! I tried to stop it, but no use-- it had to come, and it did come! I was
in front with my gun up, and when the sneeze made those bad guys move to get out
of the path, I shouted, ‘Fire boys!’ and shot at the place where the movement
was. So did the boys. But they were gone in a second, those bad guys, and we
went after them, through the woods.
I think we never hit them. They shot once each as they ran, but their bullets
missed us and didn’t hurt us. As soon as we couldn’t hear their feet we stopped
chasing, and went down and woke up the police.
They got a group together, and went off to watch the river side, and as soon as
it is light the sheriff and a gang are going to search the woods. My boys will
be with them soon. I wish we had some sort of picture of those bad guys–it would
help a lot. But you couldn’t see what they looked like, in the dark, boy, I
“Oh yes; I saw them in town and followed them.”
“Great! Tell me what they look like–tell me what they look like, my boy!”
“One’s the old deaf and dumb Spanish man that’s been around here once or twice,
and the other’s a mean-looking, dirty–”
“That’s enough, boy, we know the men! We saw them in the woods behind the
widow’s one day, and they ran away. Go with you, boys, and tell the sheriff–get
your breakfast in the morning!”
... to be continued!
* The text has been adapted from the Adventures
of Tom Sawyer
by Mark Twain
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