Paper Reading More Effective Than
Screen Reading
you want to make sure that you understand this story as fully as
possible, you might consider printing the article and reading it on
paper. That is one of the findings of a recent study of research done on
the differences between paper and screen reading.
Virginia Clinton carried out the research examination. She is a
professor of Education, Health and Behavior at the University of North
Dakota. She found what she called a “small but significant” difference
in reading text from screen versus paper.
Researchers have been investigating for years the ways in which screens
affect the quality of a person’s reading. The magazine Scientific
American reported that at least 100 studies have been published on the
issue since the 1980s.
Until the early 1990s, most studies found that people read more slowly
and with less accuracy on screens than on paper.
However, later studies show more mixed results. Some continued to report
findings similar to those earlier studies. Others suggested
technological improvements over the years had improved reading quality
on screens.
Clinton’s aim was to bring together some of the
most recent findings on reading performance, reading speed and a skill
known as metacognition.
Clinton looked at 33 past studies that examined paper versus screen
reading. All of the studies were done between 2008 and 2018. The studies
collectively had 2,799 study subjects, including both children and
adults. All were native English speakers and had usual reading skills
for their age.
Clinton’s examination found that reading from paper generally led to
better understanding and improved a person’s performance on tests
connected to the reading material. And, she found no major differences
in reading speed between the two. In other words, paper reading was
found to be more efficient.
Such differences were notable only when the reading materials were
expository texts-- or explanatory and based on fact. Clinton said she
found no major difference when it came to narrative, fictional texts.
Clinton also found that paper readers usually have a higher recognition
of how well they have understood a text than screen readers. This skill
is called metacognition. The word “cognition” means the mental action of
increasing knowledge and understanding. “Metacognition” simply means
thinking about one’s own thinking.
Clinton and other researchers have found screen readers often believe
they understand a text better than they really do. And, they are more
likely than paper readers to overestimate how well they would do on a
test of the materials they have read.
Clinton said this is common among all readers.
She said, “We think that we’re reading the story or the book better than
we actually are. We think we understand what we are reading better than
how we are actually reading.”
Yet, this inflated sense of understanding, or overconfidence, is
especially common among screen readers.
Clinton said there are many possible reasons for such findings.
Overconfidence of screen readers, for example, could be the result of a
distracted, less focused mind.
Reader preference is also important, she said. Research shows the
majority of people -- of all ages -- prefer reading from paper.
But, if someone prefers screen reading to paper reading, that person’s
understanding of the material is not likely to suffer.
Clinton said, “If you are enjoying the reading process, you’re going to
be more involved. You’re going to be paying better attention.
Preferences are a key issue here.”
Several studies have found that people often think of paper materials as
more important and serious.
“If you are reading from paper, your mind thinks, ‘This is something
important. I need to pay attention to it',” Clinton said.
Readers might connect computer screens with fun, less serious activities
– such as checking social media or watching Netflix. That, Clinton said,
could explain why most studies find no major difference in screen and
paper among narrative, fictional reading materials. Clinton described
this kind of reading as “enjoyment reading.”
Don’t stop reading from screens
Although her findings may support paper reading over screen reading,
Clinton says she does not believe screen reading should be avoided.
Instead, she points to new and developing tools that can be used to
improve a screen reader’s understanding and focus.
“For example, when you’re reading off of a screen, it can be programmed
that you have to answer questions and get them right before you can
continue. Paper can’t make you do that.”
Other tools in development will offer students reading at a lower level
more simple texts while providing their other classmates more complex
versions of the same text.
Clinton said, “I think the answer, or appropriate response, to seeing
findings like to think of ‘Okay, what can screen do that paper
can’t do?’”
Clinton’s findings were published earlier this year in the Journal of
Research in Reading. She also presented her results this month at the
American Educational Research Association’s yearly meeting, held in
Toronto, Canada. |