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Descarga libros gratis en inglés Descarga Gratis 2 libros completos en inglés de Richard Austin Freeman que podrás leer en tu PC, ebook reader, tablet, smartpone, ipad, etc. e imprimirlos si lo deseas (*libros en formato PDF y ePub).
- The Uttermost Farthing / The Vanishing Man

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R. Austin Freeman

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Business English

Match the words to make business collocations.

1. lay off
2. close
3. come
4. break off
5. go

Cómo superar una entrevista de trabajo en inglés
Cómo Superar una
Entrevista de Trabajo
en Inglés

Consulta las soluciones

Now complete the following sentences with a collocation in the correct form from the previous exercise.

1. We failed to agree on a final price so in the end we had to with the company directors.
2. Ford have had to after their share price closed at an all-time low last week.
3. I think we’ll be able to finally if they agree to our offer.
4. My first company and I lost a fortune.
5. I do wish you would and tell me exactly what you think.
Curso de Inglés de Negocios
Curso Gratis online
de Inglés de Negocios

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Aprende un poco más


Would es el pasado de “will” en algunos casos y es un verbo modal auxiliar. Se forma sin ‘do’ y después de ‘would’ ponemos el infinitivo sin ‘to’.

I'd like some more whisky. / Quisiera un poco más de whisky
you like to go out with me on Saturday night? /
¿Te gustaría salir conmigo el sábado por la noche?
I wish you wouldn’t smoke. / Preferiría que no fumaras

- Would puede ser el pasado de ‘will’ en el estilo indirecto.

Se usa para hablar sobre ‘el futuro en el pasado’, cuando hablamos sobre un acción en el pasado que todavía no ha ocurrido en el tiempo del que estamos hablando.

When I saw her on the bus. I didn't know that I would fall in love with her.
Cuando la vi en el autobús, no sabía que me enamoraría de ella
I had no idea that they would offer me the job.
No tenía ni idea de que me ofrecerían el trabajo


Consejos para mejorar tu inglés  Consulta nuestra completa gramática inglesa práctica para ampliar tus conceptos del lenguaje.
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Como aprovechar podcast para aprender inglés Como aprovechar mejor los podcast.

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Utiliza el botón derecho del ratón sobre el icono y "Guardar el enlace" para salvar el fichero de sonido a tu equipo.

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés-
Puedes encontrar listenings para practicar de varios niveles en nuestra web así como ejercicios en audio y prácticas con audio.
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Traduce las siguientes frases en INGLÉS al ESPAÑOL.

  Diccionario online
1. Do you like reading in bed?
2. He was wearing a blue and red striped shirt
3. Does she like playing cards?
4. I hate wearing high-heeled shoes
5. The fashion today is tight-fitting clothes

Consulta las soluciones

Traduce las siguientes frases en ESPAÑOL al INGLÉS.

Aprende más vocabulario
en Inglés.
1. Tener hambre
2. No se casarán
3. Yo siempre digo la verdad.
4. Zapatillas de casa
5. Pantalón de chándal

Consulta las soluciones
Haz click para escuchar Escucha el Audio

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés  Más ejercicios de traducción de inglés / español y español / inglés
Descarga Programas Gratis para ayudarte con tus traducciones o en la comprensión de textos.


Escucha el dictado y escribe el texto. Sigue las instrucciones.

Curso de Inglés en audio Mansionauto 1. Listen to the text read at normal speed. (Primero escucha el dictado a una velocidad normal)
2. DICTATION – Listen and write. Use the pause button on your media player if you need to.
(Escucha y escribe lo que oyes. Utiliza la pausa en tu reproductor si lo necesitas)

3. Listen to the text again and check your dictation. (Escucha el texto de Nuevo y comprueba lo escrito)

Consulta las soluciones

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés  Accede a más ejercicios de dictados en inglés y amplia tu vocabulario en inglés y español con pronunciación y ejercicios prácticos resueltos.


A long-distance flight (Describing duration)

A group of mathematicians from the University of London were travelling to a conference in Delhi.
At check in, one of them asked, 'How long does the flight take?'
'It takes nine hours, sir', the clerk replied.

Soon after take off, the captain made an announcement. announced that one engine had failed.
'One of the plane's engines has unfortunately failed. Your safety is not a problem,' the captain told the passengers, 'because the plane has four engines, but the journey will take longer with only three engines. I'm afraid that the flight will now take ten hours.'

Not long after that, the pilot made another announcement that these was a problem with another of the engines and now the journey would take a total of twelve hours. Everything was quiet for an hour, but then the pilot made another announcement.
'Please remain calm. There is no cause for alarm, but our third engine has also developed problems. Unfortunately, the journey will now take a total of sixteen hours.'

A mathematician turned to one of his colleagues and said, 'Well, if the last engine breaks down it will take us a whole day to get there!'

* Aprende más sobre éstos puntos gramaticales en nuestra Gramática Práctica

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés  Puedes encontrar actividades y más humor en inglés en nuestra sección de recursos.

Quiz Quotes

Elige la opción correcta para completar las siguientes frases.

1. The creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.
2. People cry not because they’re weak, it’s because for too long.
3. Laugh as as you breathe and love as long as you live.
4. Love is not blind. It simply things others fail to see.
5. You can close your eyes to the things you don’t want , but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel.

Consulta las soluciones

¿Quién es el autor de las frases anteriores?

  Diccionario online

Ejercicios Quiz en inglés

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés  Accede a más Quiz Gramaticales y a frases célebres en inglés en nuestra sección de recursos.

Reading - Comprensión de lectura

Tom Sawyer – Part Eight

Before you read the text, read the following comprehension questions.

1. How long had Tom known that Amy Lawrence liked him?

2. What did the girl in the white dress throw over the fence before going into the house?

3. Why was Tom in such a good mood when he finally got home for dinner?

4. Who broke the sugar bowl?

5. What’s the relationship between Tom and Mary?

Now read the text and answer the questions.
As he was passing by the house where Jeff Thatcher lived, he saw a new girl in the garden; a lovely little blue-eyed girl with long yellow hair and a white summer dress.

The new battle hero fell without firing a shot. Amy Lawrence disappeared from his heart and left not even a memory of herself behind.
He had thought he loved her completely. He had thought of his passion as adoration, and now he saw that it was only a passing phase of little importance. He had spent months winning her affection; she had confessed her feelings only a week ago. He had been the happiest and the proudest boy in the world only seven short days before, and here in one moment of time she had gone out of his heart like a casual stranger whose visit is over.

He stared at this new angel secretly until he saw that she had discovered him, then he pretended he did not know she was there, and began to show off in all sorts of silly boyish ways, in order to win her admiration.

He kept up this ridiculous foolishness for a long time, but eventually, while he was in the middle of some dangerous gymnastic performances, he looked to one side and saw that the little girl was walking toward the house.

Tom came up to the fence and leaned on it, sadly, hoping she might wait around for a while. She stopped for a moment on the steps and then moved toward the door. Tom sighed as she put her foot on the last step. But his face lit up, right away, because she threw a flower over the fence a moment before she disappeared.

The boy ran around and stopped within a foot or two of the flower, and then shaded his eyes with his hand and began to look down street as if he had discovered something interesting going on in that direction.

Then, he picked up a straw and began trying to balance it on his nose, with his head far back. As he moved from side to side, in his efforts, he edged nearer and nearer toward the flower.

Finally, his bare foot was on top of it, his toes closed upon it, and he hopped away with the treasure and disappeared around the corner. But only for a minute, only while he could put the flower inside his jacket, next to his heart, or next his stomach, possibly; he wasn’t very good at anatomy.

He went back to the fence until it got dark, showing off as before, but the girl never reappeared, though Tom comforted himself a little with the hope that she had been near a window and had known he was there waiting and looking for her.

Finally, he walked home with his head full of visions of the girl.
All through dinner he was in such a good mood that his aunt wondered "what had got into the child." He was punished for throwing the clods of earth at Sid, and he did not seem to mind that at all.

He tried to steal sugar under his aunt's very nose, and got his knuckles hit for it. He said: "Aunt, you don't whack Sid when he takes sugar."
"Well, Sid doesn't torment me the way you do. You'd be always taking sugar if I wasn’t watching you."Diccionario online

Tom’s aunt went into the kitchen, and Sid immediately reached for the sugar bowl, teasing Tom with an unbearable smile. But Sid's fingers slipped and the bowl dropped and broke.

Tom was in ecstasy. So much so that he even controlled his tongue and was silent. He said to himself that he would not speak a word, even when his aunt came in, but would sit perfectly still till she asked who broke the bowl. Then he would tell, and there would be nothing so good in the world as to
see Sid get the punishment.

He was so full of happiness that he could hardly hold himself when the
old lady came back and stood above the mess on the floor, looking angrily at Tom over the top of her glasses.

He said to himself, "Now it's coming!", and the next moment he was falling to the floor! The powerful hand was ready to hit again when Tom cried out:
"Wait! Wait! what are you hitting ME for? Sid broke it!"

Aunt Polly paused, confused, and Tom looked for some pity. But when she found her tongue again, she only said:

"Umf! Well, I’m sure you deserved it. You were probably doing something bad when I wasn’t here, I’m sure.”

Then her conscience started to bother her and she wanted to say something kind and loving; but she decided that this would mean her confessing that she had made a mistake and discipline forbade that.

So she kept silent, and did her housework with a troubled heart. Tom sat in in a corner and felt sorry for himself. He knew that in her heart his aunt was on her knees to him, and this made him feel sadly gratified.

He would send out no signals, he would take notice of none. He knew that she looked at him sympathetically now and then, through a film of tears, but he refused to recognize it.

He imagined himself lying sick and close to death and his aunt bending over him asking for one little forgiving word, but he would turn his face to the wall, and die with that word unsaid. Ah, how would she feel then?

And he pictured himself brought home from the river, dead, with his hair all wet, and his troubled heart at rest. She would throw herself upon him, and her tears would fall like rain, and her lips pray God to give her back her boy and she would never, never abuse him anymore!

But he would lie there cold and white, without moving; a poor little sufferer, whose troubles were at an end. He worked so much on these sad, hypothetical feelings that he had to keep swallowing, he was nearly choking and his eyes swam in a blur of water, which overflowed when he winked, and ran down and fell of the end of his nose.

This focus on his imaginary self-pity was so intense that Tom could not bear to have any happy thoughts or outside joy disturbing him. It was too sacred for such contact. So, when his cousin Mary danced in, all alive with the joy of seeing home again after a long visit of one week to the country, he got up and moved in clouds and darkness out of one door as she brought song and
sunshine in though the other.
... to be continued!

* The text has been adapted from the Adventures of Tom Sawyer
by Mark Twain

  Download the original book for free

Consejos para mejorar tu inglés  Más ejercicios de Reading y lecturas.

Más "Quotes" diariamente en nuestro Canal de Facebook.

*También te puede interesar:

Gramática inglesa de La Mansión del InglésGramática inglesa. Gramática inglesa en PDF explicada en español con ilustraciones, ejemplos en inglés y español, ejercicios prácticos y las soluciones a todos los ejercicios.

Más información  /  Descargue la Gramática
Curso de Inglés en audio de La Mansión del InglésCurso en Audio 1 en formato mp3 y PDF, podrás aprender inglés en cualquier lugar de forma rápida y sencilla. Nivel de principiantes (Orientado a quienes están empezando a aprender inglés). Nivel A1

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Curso en Audio 2 en formato mp3 y PDF, podrás  aprender inglés en cualquier lugar de forma rápida y sencilla. Nivel A2

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Curso de Inglés en audio de La Mansión del InglésCurso en Audio 3 en formato mp3, podrás aprender inglés en cualquier lugar de forma rápida y sencilla. Nivel B1.

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Curso de First Certificate Curso de preparación para el examen de FCE.

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Curso de Inglés para hostelería de La Mansión del InglésCurso de inglés para Hostelería / Restauración. Dirigido a personas que ejercen su actividad en el mundo de la hostelería y la restauración y que necesitan comunicarse en inglés con sus clientes de forma ocasional o habitual.
Más información  /  Descargue el Curso
Inglés Imprescindible los diálogos, las frases y las situaciones más habituales para desenvolverse en inglés en cualquier situación habitual o en inglés en un país extranjero o de habla inglesa.

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Vocabulario Temático un amplio conjunto de más de 2.000 palabras en 286 páginas, agrupadas por temas con su pronunciación en inglés y español y la correspondiente traducción de los términos.

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Curso de Inglés de Negocios Curso de inglés Comercial y de Negocios.

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100 libros en inglés de los principales autores de la Literatura Universal. Formatos: PDF, Epub y Mobi (Kindle)

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Teaching Conversation curso de La Mansión del InglésTeaching Conversation Curso de inglés conversacional dirigido a profesores de Inglés. Nivel intermedio (B2).

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101 Lesson Warmers La Mansión del Inglés101 Lesson Warmers Producto dirigido a profesores de inglés que se compone de una colección de 101 actividades para realizar con los alumnos.

Más información  /  Descargue el Producto
· Curso de Inglés en Audio para iPhone, iPad, iPod

Aprende inglés con tu iPhone, iPad, etc..

Si dispones de un móvil iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, etc. (Nivel I / Nivel II)  puedes
aprender inglés en cualquier lugar y situación con un curso de inglés en audio que te
permitirá aprender de forma práctica, amena y sencilla en cualquier momento  y lugar,
aprovechando al máximo tu tiempo.

(*) APP para iPhone , Pad, etc.. Si tu móvil o dispositivo es de cualquier otro S.O.
puedes también hacer uso del producto en su versión PDF y audio en mp3 (curso
en Audio).

*El único curso práctico de autoaprendizaje en inglés para dispositivos móviles
en audio con apoyo en español, trascripción completa y tests de evolución.

Aprende inglés:

- En el metro
- En el autobús
- En el tren
- Caminando
- En casa
- En tu coche
- En el trabajo
- En el supermercado
- En la playa
- En el parque
- En el gimnasio
...donde quieras y cuando quieras


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