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Complete the sentences with
the correct form of can, could or be able to. More than one answer may
be possible. Follow the example.
Example: We both lost our
jobs, so we haven't
have a holiday this year.
1. A few of our workers have been off sick. I'm sorry, but
we finish the
project until the end of the month.
2. Sharks sleep
while they are swimming.
3. I used to speak
French, but now I've forgotten most of it.
4. My nephew speak
fluent English, Spanish and German when he was only six
years old.
5. You make some
fantastic cakes when you get back from that cookery course
next month.
We both lost
our jobs, so we haven't
been able to have a holiday this year.
The following words can easily be confused. Complete the sentences by
using a suitable word.
1. Thankfully, the council*
plans to build a
new motorway through our village.
2. Maria cheating
in the exam.
3. Samantha’s parents
of her going out
with a married man.
4. We to working
extra for nothing. Everybody should get paid!
5. I with people
who want to legalize cannabis.
6. Pepito to
accept my offer of 6000 Euros per month. *ayuntamiento
Find the second half of the
following conditional sentences so that they all make sense.
- If I get home before 6
- If it doesn’t stop snowing,
- If we don’t hurry,
- If he doesn’t work harder,
- If the film starts at 7.30,
- If I help you,
- If you aren’t very hungry,
If I get home
before 6 o'clock...
Read the descriptions and write the adjectives.
1. A person who doesn’t
notice what is happening around her/him and very often
forgets things. -
2. Someone who believes in his/her own values and abilities.
- -
3. A person who shows good sense and judgement. A practical
and logical person. -
4. Someone who is difficult to please because they only like
a few things or like things in a particular way and will
only accept exactly what they want. -
5. Someone who will listen to you. This person is ready to
understand and help you. -
6. This type of person is determined and will not change
her/his point of view even if he/she is wrong. -
7. A person who changes temperament and has a variable
character. This person can be happy one minute and
miserable, annoyed and depressed the next minute.
8. Somebody who doesn’t like being the centre of attention
and feels uncomfortable with others. This person is not
typically very sociable. -
9. Somebody who is always smiling, optimistic and in a good
mood. -
10. Somebody who tries to hurt or upset people on purpose,
not caring about how these people feel. -
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