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Choose the correct word or phrase for each sentence.

1. When I stand up quickly, the blood rushes to my head and I feel very .
2. I cut my finger while clearing up broken glass and I had to have .
3. Can we stop and rest for a few minutes? We’ve been walking for ages and I’ve got on my feet.
4. When I was painting the house I fell off the ladder and was taken to hospital with a shoulder.
5. I think I’m allergic to this moisturizing cream. I’ve got all over my body.

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Complete the following sentences with SO or SUCH.

1. This photo is cool. Can you send it to me?
2. I don't think that is a good idea. Maybe we should try something else.
3. He’s got many friends he never has any time for me.
4. That takes little time and effort that you might as well do it yourself.
5. That’s a great phone. How much was it?
6. Please, don't drive fast!
7. I really wish you wouldn't drink much wine!
8. It was a nice hotel that we’re going back there next year.
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Choose the correct word or phrase for each sentence.

1. Why don’t you take the day off work today? You’re looking a bit tired and .
2. I fell over yesterday in the street and felt a sharp in my ankle.
3. My brother is peanuts.
4. Last year’s Tour de France champion was in a bike accident yesterday.
5. It has been scientific proven that too much alcohol your liver.
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Write the best verb in the correct form for each sentence.

heat up / put up / back up / mix up / beat up / turn up

1. My wife and I have got exactly the same mobile phone and we keep them . We should buy different colour cases for them.
2. He was 45 minutes late, and when he eventually he'd forgotten to bring the wine!
3. Don't forget to your laptop to the cloud. If something goes wrong, you could lose all your data.
4. I was never at school because I made friends with the biggest, toughest boy in my class.
5. There's some chicken in the fridge if you're hungry. Do you want me to it for you?
6. Do you fancy coming to Liverpool next month? We can you on our sofa bed for a few days and you could save money on the hotel.

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