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Choose the correct word for each sentence.


*Consulta la explicación de la diferencia de uso de términos confusos en inglés.

1. We need some more for the office. Would you mind making a list, please?
2. The war ships near the coast of North Korea have been for the past 3 weeks.
3. I think there is a thief in the office. Our bill last month was over a thousand euros!
4. Our local gym has 3 rows of exercise bikes.


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Match the following phrases together to form logical sentences.

1. I tried out the new software
2. They eventually put it out
3. Would you mind turning the volume down?
4. I tried it on
5. It took me three weeks to get over it
6. I don't earn a lot of money as a nurse
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Choose the correct word for each sentence.


*Consulta la explicación de la diferencia de uso de términos confusos en inglés.

1. Discipline had no on him as a child. He has always misbehaved.
2. The public transport strike won’t me. I go to work by bike.
3. The morphine took immediate . As soon as they gave it to me the pain went away.
4. Use the word as a verb and is more common as a noun. So, the bad weather really our holiday, and the snow had a big on our holiday.

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Complete the sentences with a phrasal verb in the correct form.

press for / get by / take after / get round / see to / go with / put through / come across

1. Would you mind the drinks while I get the sandwiches ready?
2. You're wasting your time if you think you can me with chocolates.
3. My sister doesn't earn a lot of money, but she .
4. I think you should change your shirt. It Doesn't those trousers.
5. We these old photos when we were tidying the bedroom last weekend.
6. My boss is us to work longer hours.
7. She was four separate interviews before they finally offered her the position.
8. My sister my mum. They're both impulsive, impatient and very stubborn.

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